Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

Hi friends ... I have not made any new posts .... I hope you miss me. This time I want to write about one type of cancer. We know there are many types of cancer, and it is featured each day, will never be finished. Cancer that I will tell is a cancer that attacks the pancreas or commonly referred to as Pancreatic Cancer. 

Pancreatic Cancer often goes undetected until it's advanced and difficult to treat. In the vast majority of cases, symptoms only develop after pancreatic cancer has grown and begun to spread. What are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, and can any symptoms lead to earlier detection? Because more than 95% of pancreatic cancer is the adenocarcinoma type, we'll describe those symptoms first, followed by symptoms of rare forms of pancreatic cancer.

Because the pancreas is located deep within the abdominal cavity in front of the spine, pancreatic cancer often grows silently months before detection. The first symptoms may be absent or it must be very thin. The most recognizable symptoms develop after a tumor grows large enough to overwhelm other nearby structures such as nerves (pain), intestines (which influence appetite and cause nausea, weight loss) or the biliary ducts (which causes jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and may cause loss of appetite and itching). Symptoms in women are often different from men. After the tumour is cancerous cells in the blood and lymph systems, and metastasized, more symptoms usually occur depending on the location of the metastasis. Frequent metastatic pancreatic cancer sites, including the liver, lymph nodes and the mucous membrane of the stomach (called peritoneum). Unfortunately, most types of pancreatic cancer are after cancer has grown outside of the pancreas or has metastasized to other places.

1 comment:

Obat Kolesterol said...

postingan yang menarik, tentang The Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer

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